Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Sixthseal is Dead and Partially Alive!

I have being a big fan of Sixth seal for quite some time now. For those who does’t know what's Sixth seal, well! it is a weblog by a guy called Poh Huai Bin (short for PHB). The blog is about food, drugs, anything/everything that circulate his everyday life. I can proudly say that he is the one who brought me into the bloggers world. Well, technically we don’t know each other nor meet each other at all. What I meant was, sixth seal’s the 1st blog that I have read and from reading his blog, he defines blogging for me which lead my interest in documenting stuff on the internet.
It is funny how I came across his blog a few months ago. I was in the office as usual being extremely bored, out of no reason at all, I wanted a picture of sibu buses. So as a normal person would do, I’ve typed in “sibu bus” in google, click on to the images, and woila, there he was! The legendary PHB! Once I’ve clicked into his blog, I find myself going to his site every single day.
I think what got me hooked onto his website was that, he is from sibu as well. PHB made a lot of reference to things happening in sibu, food consumed in sibu and others. With the help of dozen photos in his blog, It somehow reminded me of “HOME”. In some occasion, I even drooled over some of the picture shown on the site. On to the dark site, his controversial “trips” reports were great to read, simple yet witty. Sixthseal helps me understand the effect of drugs without even experience it. As a drug user myself (hmm…!), I find the site great in term of gaining drug information.
I was reading his blog daily till one day sixthseal was not accessible anymore (what a tragic!!). It is just misfortune that I’ve just gotten really into his blog for a couple of months then no more sixth seal. It is like giving a child a lollipop for 20 second, for a chance to have a taste of sweet lollipop then taking the lollipop away from him. At first, I though it might have been Malaysian server down for couple of hours, then a few days passed, then a few weeks, then a whole month had passed, and reality sets in. Sixth Seal is gone forever.
Although Sixth Seal is gone, it doesn’t stop me trying to google Sixth seal or PHB, hoping I can read his article some where. Fans all around the world miss sixth seal so much that, they even set up an online petition on web. *CLICK HERE*
On the verge of giving up reading his blog again, I found this site. *CLICK HERE*
This is a website which archives some or partial of sixth seal. The downfall of this web is that it takes a while to load up one page and even when the page is loaded up, most of the time pictures were not shown. Old saying goes “A Picture is worth a thousand words”. Without picture, thousand words have lost!! Sixthseal is not complete, there’s just something missing, the sixth seal style.

So here a message for PHB editor of
“Please come back and complete SIXTH SEAL!”

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Stolen Wheels

Yesterday, at about 2pm all of my wheels were stolen and replaced with bricks during the period that I was out of the office having my lunch (from 10:00 to 16:00).

I am well behind in my work and now I have to waste my time with these stupidities and on top of it all I am probably going to be fired from my job!!!

If anyone of you, my dear friends, has seen anything, please let me know. I could even go as far as offering a reward to whoever helps me.

Anticipated thanks.

PS. Here is a photo taken at the scene of the crime (theft with irritating consequences).












